Sunday, September 19, 2010

September Sunday Sunrise

I was sleeping peacefully this morning, at about 6:40 AM, when I was rudely awakened by our two dogs, apparently needing to go outside. I reluctantly rolled over, and got up to let them out. Opening the front door, I saw one of the most beautiful sunrises I've seen since we moved here. I grabbed my camera, and stepped back out on my front my "grandma pajamas."
This is the first picture I snapped:
As I was admiring the beauty and quiet of this lovely Sunday morning, I heard a flock of Canadian geese, loudly honking up above. And then...before I could say, "Thank you, God for waking me up to experience this beauty," I heard "BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM!!! And then I hear the honking fading away...and one lone goose, (likely wounded from the sound of it), descending to the field next to us...honk...honk...honk...honk...
Still enamored by the gorgeous sunrise, I changed the setting on the camera for more light, and you can see a dark blur next to the driveway. That's "Jake," our Springer/Choc Lab mix. I think all that shooting scared the bejeebers out of him! He SHOULD be a good hunting dog, but he doesn't know that. On the other hand, "Finn" the little Papillon didn't even flinch.

I set my camera back to the original settings to take ONE more picture...because despite the noisy hunters, and the poor wounded really was an amazing way to start my day.

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